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Useful documents for parents, guardians & teachers




Take a look at the main links page for a verity of generic links. Here you will find a number of PDF's to download for your reference.


Click on the box to the left of the title to download each document.





General Information

An overview of dyslexia, it's causes, identification, the role that schools and tutoring can make, learning styles, study skills, hints and tips of things that can help such as coloured lenses and 'Touch Type, Read and Spell.' Click on the box on the left to download.

Assessment, screenings and checklists

Lists of some behaviours which are associated with dyslexia, information on screens and assessments. Click on the box on the left to download.

Teachers supporting primary school learners.

Information for teachers supporting primary school aged children. Giving advice on self esteem, teaching hints and tips, assessment, homework and independent projects and things a dyslexic child may find difficult. Click on the box on the left to download.

Teachers supporting secondary school children

Information for teachers supporting secondary school aged children. Giving advice on self esteem, teaching hints and tips, assessment, homework and independent projects and things a dyslexic child may find difficult. Click on the box on the left to download.

Teachers supporting teen and adult dyslexics

Information for teachers supporting teenagers and adults. Giving advice on self esteem, teaching hints and tips, assessment, and independent projects and things a dyslexic child may find difficult. Click on the box on the left to download.

How to tell if a child or adult may be dyslexic

This document covers concentration, auditory, visual, memory, motor skills, directionality, sequencing, reading, writing and numeracy. Click on the box on the left to download.

How parents can support their child

Dyslexic people can be dogged by nagging uncertainty because of their difficulties. Parents can do a lot to support and encourage their children, boosting their self esteem and confidence. This document gives hints and tips for parents. Click on the box on the left to download.

Eye tests for visual stress

Visual stress affects around 15-20% of the population. Among people with dyslexic difficulties the incidence of visual stress is estimated to be around 35-40%. This can cause great difficulty in both acquiring literacy skills and reading and comprehension, and can make reading very tiring. For more information click on the box on the left to download the document.

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